
Posts tagged “initial d

Toyota AE86 – Everything You Need to Know

Donut Media’s Up To Speed videos are awesome! This one’s for the Initial D fans 😀


Fucking amazing.

Panda AE86

Hit the jump for more.

350Z vs NSX on Forza

On my Fujiwara shit, except in a Z.

Fujiwara Tofu Shop and it’s 86

Ah, Initial D, how you have affected us all, the car freaks that is…the car freaks who have watched it I guess. Now, I don’t really know what that sign says but it’d be perfect if it did say tofu shop haha. If anyone wants to confirm this, chime in!
Hit the jump for another shot.

Initial D fans, check out Ryosuke Takahashi’s FC

This is great, I love Initial D lol.

Hachiroku vs R35 GTR on the Togue

That first part of the video was pretty funny, definitely reminded me of Initial D.