
Archive for February, 2011

Action Bronson

Just found out who this dude was, sounds sick.

Some Rainy Day Music

Some stuff for the rainy days that can still be super chill days.
Some music and music videos after the jump

Philly Skyline

While walking around, also took a picture from the newly renovated south street bridge.

On the way there…
More pictures after the jump

Nissan R35 GTR

Speaking of skylines, I took a walk around Penn’s campus and I found this one laying around lol, not a common sight so I snapped some pics up.
More pictures after the jump

Clean R34 Skyline

What dreams are made of…


More pictures after the jump

Spice with his cone

Poor Spice, we ended up having to put a cone on him, he was biting his stitches. He had a testicle that didn’t descend so they had to go into his abdomen to get it out. He’s doing alright though.

Wekfest III in Cali

Wekfest III was this past Monday, here’s some of my favorite pics courtesy of Canibeat
Wekfest III
More pics after the jump.

Got the cats back

Their both walking around as if they’re drunk and Spice is like knocked out (they had to go into his abdomen since one of his testicles hadn’t dropped for some reason). Hope they feel better soon.

Our Kitties Are Getting Neutered

Getting them ready to go get neutered, me and my babe are super nervous! Hope it happens without a hitch. 😦

A little something on relaxation

Lately I’ve been in an all out search for anything I can do to make stress just a little easier to handle. I don’t know why, but the closer I get to graduation the higher my stress and anxiety levels seem to get. I do have a few ideas for why this may be: click here to read the rest

More Wiz

I been bumping this from the Cabin Fever mixtape. A lot of nice beats on there.

Spice on the Window

Spice in the Window
I’ve seen them stare out the window for quite some time without looking away. It gets kind of funny.
Spice in the Window
One of their favorite chill spots. Don’t like it when they bend up the blinds though. Other than that I’m cool with it. Always see them staring out when I get home, as if they were waiting for me the whole time lol. They probably weren’t but its nice to think they were. They’re supposed to be getting neutered this Friday, which has me super nervous :(.

S2000 Meet in Cali

S2000 Meet
Love J’s Racing’s aero kits.
S2000 Meet
Thats a lot of yellow S2000s
S2000 Meet
The F20C is not a joke.

Full article and more pics at Honda Tuning Magazine

Kevin Hart Stand Up on Thug Qualities

Hilarious haha.


Word Up Sesh #4 from iPhilms on Vimeo.

Looks like a lot of fun. I wonder how many tires they go through in a day.